Papers Published in International Journals (Angol nyelvű közlemények)

[177] Gábor Horváth, Bence Dárdai, Máté Bíró, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Dénes Száz, András Barta, Ádám Egri (2024) The all-day pollinator visits of sunflower inflorescences in Helianthus annuus plantations are independent of head orientation: testing a wide-spread hypothesis. The Plant Journal ? (?): ?-? (? pages, doi: ????)




[176] Péter Takács, Adalbert Tibiássy, Balázs Bernáth, Viktor Gotthard, Gábor Horváth (2024) Reflection-polarization characteristics of greenhouses studied by drone-polarimetry focusing on polarized light pollution of glass surfaces. Remote Sensing 16 (14): 2568 + electronic supplement (15 pages, doi: 10.3390/rs16142568)




[175] Judit Slíz-Balogh, Attila Mádai, Pál Sári, András Barta, Gábor Horváth (2024) Observation of the L5 Kordylewski dust cloud with a portable imaging polarimetric telescope in the Namibian Khomas highland. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (4): 3570-3577 (8 pages, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stae1062)



[174] Péter Takács, Dénes Száz, Balázs Bernáth, István Pomozi, Gábor Horváth (2024) Polarized light pollution of fixed-tilt photovoltaic solar panels measured by drone-polarimetry and its visual-ecological importance. Remote Sensing 16 (3): 1177 + electronic supplement (17 pages, doi: 10.3390/rs16071177)




[173] Ádám Egri, Ádám Pereszlényi, József Szekeres, Dénes Száz, Gábor Horváth, György Kriska (2023) Ecological advantage of polarized light pollution: positive effect of a dark lake patch at a canal inflow on habitat of non-biting midges. Limnology 25 (1): 97-109, open access (doi: 10.1007/s10201-023-00733-6)




[172] Péter Takács, Dénes Száz, Ádám Pereszlényi, Gábor Horváth (2023) Speedy bearings to slacked steering: Mapping the navigation patterns and motions of Viking voyages. Public Library of Science One 18 (11): e0293816 (25 pages, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293816)



[171] Gábor Horváth, Dénes Hegedűs, Judit Slíz-Balogh (2023) Change of world-record rankings of shot put and hammer throw due to the effects of Earth rotation and athlete’s height. Scientific Reports 13: 10409 + electronic supplement (18 pages, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-36665-5)




[170] Judit Slíz-Balogh, Dániel Horváth, Gábor Horváth (2023) Jupiter the great celestial organizer: on the origin of orbits of some asteroid families in mean motion resonances with Jupiter. Acta Astronautica 211: 208-215 + electronic supplement (8 pages, doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2023.06.005)




[169] Dénes Száz, Péter Takács, Balázs Bernáth, György Kriska, András Barta, István Pomozi, Gábor Horváth (2023) Drone-based imaging polarimetry of dark lake patches from the viewpoint of flying polarotactic insects with ecological implication. Remote Sensing 15 (11): 2797 + electronic supplement (17 pages, doi: 10.3390/rs15112797)




[168] Judit Slíz-Balogh, Attila Mádai, Pál Sári, András Barta, Gábor Horváth (2023) First polarimetric evidence of the existence of the Kordylewski dust cloud at the L4 Lagrange point of the Earth-Moon system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518 (4): 5236-5241 (doi: 10.1093/mnras/stac3429)



[167] Dénes Száz, Péter Takács, Ádám Egri, Gábor Horváth (2023) Blood-seeking horseflies prefer vessel-imitating temperature gradients on host-mimicking targets: experimental corroboration of a new explanation of the visual unattractiveness of zebras to tabanids. International Journal for Parasitology 53 (1): 1-11 + cover picture + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2022.10.001, open access)





[166] Péter Takács, Dénes Száz, Miklós Vincze, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Gábor Horváth (2022) Sunlit zebra stripes may confuse the thermal perception of blood vessels causing the visual unattractiveness of zebras to horseflies. Scientific Reports 12: 10871 (14 pages, doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14619-7) + electronic supplement




[165] Péter Takács, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Dénes Száz, Gábor Horváth (2022) East-facing Helianthus annuus has maximal number and mass of kernel-filled seeds: seed traits versus head orientation. Plant-Environment Interactions 3 (3): 130-139 + cover picture (11 pages, doi: 10.1002/pei3.10083) + electronic supplement





[164] Péter Takács, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Ákos Horváth, Dániel Horváth, Imre M. Jánosi, Gábor Horváth (2022) How the morning-afternoon cloudiness asymmetry affects the energy-maximizing azimuth direction of fixed-tilt monofacial solar panels. Royal Society Open Science 9 (4): 211948 (13 pages, doi: 10.1098/rsos.211948) + electronic supplement




[163] Péter Takács, Zoltán Kovács, Dénes Száz, Ádám Egri, Balázs Bernáth, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Magdolna Nagy-Czirok, Zsigmond Lengyel, Gábor Horváth (2022) Mature sunflower inflorescences face geographical east to maximize absorbed light energy: orientation of Helianthus annuus heads studied by drone photography. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 842560 (9 pages, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.842560) + electronic supplement




[162] Péter Takács, Dénes Száz, Ádám Pereszlényi, Gábor Horváth (2022) Sensitivity and robustness of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation: Sailing success is most sensitive to night sailing, navigation periodicity and sailing date, but robust against weather conditions. PLoS One 17 (2): e0262762 (19 pages, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262762)



[161] Judit Slíz-Balogh, Bálint Érdi, Dániel Horváth, Gábor Horváth (2022) Why was the Kordylewski dust cloud observed more frequently at the L5 Lagrange point than at L4? Asymmetry of the particle capture at the triangular Lagrange points of the Earth-Moon system. Icarus 374 (1 March 2022): 114814 + supplement (7 pages, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114814, Open Access)




[160] Ádám Pereszlényi, Dénes Száz, Imre Miklós Jánosi, Gábor Horváth (2021) A new argument against cooling by convective air eddies formed above sunlit zebra stripes. Scientific Reports 11: 15797 (15 pages, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95105-4)




[159] Gábor Horváth, Ádám Egri, Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow, György Kriska (2021) How did amber get its aquatic insects? Water-seeking polarotactic insects trapped by tree resin. Historical Biology 33 (6): 846-856 (doi: 10.1080/08912963.2019.1663843) + electronic supplement




[158] Gábor Horváth, Judit Slíz-Balogh, István Pomozi, György Kriska (2021) Polarization neutral point pairs of the solar corona and the lunar disc observed during the total solar eclipse on 11 August 1999 in Hungary. Applied Optics 60 (13): 3609-3616 (doi: 10.1364/AO.421177)



[157] Zoltán Kovács, Zoltán Udvarnoki, Eszter Papp, Gábor Horváth (2021) Psychophysical study of the moon illusion in paintings and landscape photos. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477 (2245): 20200737 (14 pages, doi: 10.1098/rspa/2020.0737) + electronic supplement




[156] Benjamin Fritz, Gábor Horváth, Ruben Hünig, Ádám Pereszlényi, Ádám Egri, Markus Guttmann, Marc Schneider, Uli Lemmer, György Kriska, Guillaume Gomard (2020) Bioreplicated coatings for photovoltaic solar panels nearly eliminate light pollution that harms polarotactic insects. Public Library of Science One 15 (12): e0243296 (22 pages, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243296) ( + electronic supplement




[155] Gábor Horváth, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Ákos Horváth, Ádám Egri, Balázs Virágh, Dániel Horváth, Imre M. Jánosi (2020) Sunflower inflorescences absorb maximum light energy if they face east and afternoons are cloudier than mornings. Scientific Reports 10: 21597 (15 pages, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-78243-z)



[154] Gábor Horváth, Ádám Pereszlényi, Ádám Egri, Benjamin Fritz, Markus Guttmann, Uli Lemmer, Guillaume Gomard, György Kriska (2020) Horsefly reactions to black surfaces: Attractiveness to male and female tabanids versus surface tilt angle and temperature. Parasitology Research 119: 2399-2409 + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1007/s00436-020-06702-7)




[153] Judit Slíz-Balogh, Dániel Horváth, Róbert Szabó, Gábor Horváth (2020) Dynamics of spherical space debris of different sizes falling to Earth. Astronomical Notes (Astronomische Nachrichten) 341 (3): 245-257 + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1002/asna.202023688)




[152] Gábor Horváth, Ádám Pereszlényi, Ádám Egri, Tímea Tóth, Imre Miklós Jánosi (2020) Why do biting horseflies prefer warmer hosts? Tabanids can escape easier from warmer targets. Public Library of Science One 15 (5): e0233038 (17 pages) + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233038)




[151] Gábor Horváth, Ádám Pereszlényi, Tímea Tóth, Szabolcs Polgár, Imre M. Jánosi (2019) Attractiveness of thermally different uniformly black targets to horseflies: Tabanus tergestinus prefers sunlit warm shiny dark targets. Royal Society Open Science 6: 191119 (16 pages, doi: 10.1098/rsos.191119) + electronic supplement




[150] Bruce A. Robertson, Gábor Horváth (2019) Color polarization vision mediates the strength of an evolutionary trap. Evolutionary Applications 12 (2): 175-186 (doi: 10.1111/eva.12690)



[149] Gábor Horváth, Ádám Pereszlényi, Susanne Åkesson, György Kriska (2019) Striped bodypainting protects against horseflies. Royal Society Open Science 6: 181325 (13 pages, doi: 10.1098/rsos.181325) + electronic supplement




[148] Judit Slíz-Balogh, András Barta, Gábor Horváth (2019) Celestial mechanics and polarization optics of the Kordylewski dust cloud in the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L5 - Part II. Imaging polarimetric observation: new evidence for the existence of Kordylewski dust cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482 (1): 762-770 (doi: 10.1093/mnras/sty2630)



[147] Judit Slíz-Balogh, András Barta, Gábor Horváth (2018) Celestial mechanics and polarization optics of the Kordylewski dust cloud in the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L5 - Part I. Three-dimensional celestial mechanical modelling of dust cloud formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (4): 5550-5559 (doi: 10.1093/mnras/sty2049)



[146] Ádám Egri, György Kriska, Gábor Horváth (2018) Method to reduce motion artifacts of sequential imaging polarimetry: Long enough exposures minimize polarization blurs of wavy water surfaces. Applied Optics 57 (26): 7564-7569 (doi: 10.1364/AO.57.007564)



[145] Gábor Horváth, Ádám Pereszlényi, Dénes Száz, András Barta, Imre M. Jánosi, Balázs Gerics, Susanne Åkesson (2018) Experimental evidence that stripes do not cool zebras. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 9351 (12 pages, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-27637-1)




[144] Mark Stromp, Alexandra Farkas, Balázs Kretzer, Dénes Száz, András Barta, Gábor Horváth (2018) How realistic are painted lightnings? Quantitative comparison of the morphology of painted and real lightnings: a psychophysical approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 474 (2214): 20170859 (doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0859) (16 pages) + cover picture




[143] Dénes Száz, Gábor Horváth (2018) Success of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation: revealing the chance Viking sailors could reach Greenland from Norway. Royal Society Open Science 5: 172187 (doi: 10.1098/rsos.172187) (10 pages)




[142] Bruce A. Robertson, Isabel A. Keddy-Hector, Shailab D. Shrestha, Leah Y. Silverberg, Clara E. Woolner, Ian Hetterich, Gábor Horváth (2018) Susceptibility to ecological traps is similar among closely related taxa but sensitive to spatial isolation. Animal Behaviour 135 (1): 77-84 (doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.10.023)



[141] Ádám Pereszlényi, Gábor Horváth, György Kriska (2017) Atypical feeding of woodpeckers, crows and redstarts on mass-swarming Hydropsyche pellucidula caddisflies attracted to glass panes. Urban Ecosystems 20 (6): 1203-1207 + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1007/s11252-017-0672-3)



[140] Ádám Egri, Dénes Száz, Alexandra Farkas, Ádám Pereszlényi, Gábor Horváth, György Kriska (2017) Method to improve the survival of night-swarming mayflies near bridges in areas of distracting light pollution. Royal Society Open Science 4: 171166 (doi: 10.1098/rsos.171166) (9 pages)



[139] Gábor Horváth, Tamás Szörényi, Ádám Pereszlényi, Balázs Gerics, Ramón Hegedüs, András Barta, Susanne Åkesson (2017) Why do horseflies need polarization vision for host detection? Polarization helps tabanid flies to select sunlit dark host animals from the dark patches of the visual environment. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170735 (doi: 10.1098/rsos.170735)



[138] Péter Takács, András Barta, David Pye, Gábor Horváth (2017) Polarization optics of the Brewster’s dark patch visible on water surfaces versus solar height and sky conditions: theory, computer modelling, photography and painting. Applied Optics 56 (30): 8353-8361 (doi: 10.1364/AO.56.008353) + cover picture




[137] Dénes Száz, Alexandra Farkas, András Barta, Balázs Kretzer, Miklós Blahó, Ádám Egri, Gyula Szabó, Gábor Horváth (2017) Accuracy of the hypothetical sky-polarimetric Viking navigation versus sky conditions: revealing solar elevations and cloudinesses favourable for this navigation method. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473: 20170358 (18 pages, doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0358)




[136] Bruce A. Robertson, Desi-Rae Campbell, Colyer Durovich, Ian Hetterich, Julia Les, Gábor Horváth (2017) The interface of ecological novelty and behavioral context in the formation of ecological traps. Behavioral Ecology 28 (4): 1166–1175 + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1093/beheco/arx081)



[135] Ádám Egri, Ádám Pereszlényi, Alexandra Farkas, Gábor Horváth, Károly Penksza, György Kriska (2017) How can asphalt roads extend the range of in situ polarized light pollution? A complex ecological trap of Ephemera danica and a possible remedy. Journal of Insect Behavior 30 (4): 374-384  + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1007/s10905-017-9623-3)



[134] Gábor Horváth, Péter Takács, Balázs Kretzer, Szilvia Szilasi, Dénes Száz, Alexandra Farkas, András Barta (2017) Celestial polarization patterns sufficient for Viking navigation with the naked eye: Detectability of Haidinger's brushes on the sky versus meteorological conditions. Royal Society Open Science 4: 160688 (doi: 10.1098/rsos.160688)



[133] Dénes Száz, Dávid Mihályi, Alexandra Farkas, Ádám Egri, András Barta, György Kriska, Bruce Robertson, Gábor Horváth (2016) Polarized light pollution of matte solar panels: Anti-reflective photovoltaics reduce polarized light pollution but benefit only some aquatic insects. Journal of Insect Conservation 20 (4): 663-675 (doi: 10.1007/s10841-016-9897-3)




[132] Ádám Egri, Alexandra Farkas, György Kriska, Gábor Horváth (2016) Polarization sensitivity in Collembola: An experimental study of polarotaxis in the water-surface-inhabiting springtail Podura aquatica. Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (16): 2567-2576 (doi: 10.1242/jeb.139295)



[131]  Dénes Száz, Alexandra Farkas, András Barta, Balázs Kretzer, Ádám Egri, Gábor Horváth (2016) North error estimation based on solar elevation errors in the third step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 472: 20160171 (pp. 1-15, doi: 10.1098/rspa.2016.0171)




[130] Alexandra Farkas, Dénes Száz, Ádám Egri, András Barta, Ádám Mészáros, Ramón Hegedüs, Gábor Horváth, György Kriska (2016) Mayflies are least attracted to vertical polarization: A polarotactic reaction helping to avoid unsuitable habitats. Physiology and Behavior 163 (2016): 219-227 + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.05.009)




[129] Dénes Száz, Alexandra Farkas, Miklós Blahó, András Barta, Ádám Egri, Balázs Kretzer, Tibor Hegedüs, Zoltán Jäger, Gábor Horváth (2016) Adjustment errors of sunstones in the first step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation: Studies with dichroic cordierite/tourmaline and birefringent calcite crystals. Royal Society Open Science 3: 150406 (21 pages) (doi: 10.1098/rsos.150406) + electronic supplement (




[128] Brigitte Schoenemann, Euan N. K. Clarkson, Gábor Horváth (2015) Why did the UV-A-induced photoluminescent blue-green glow in trilobite eyes and exoskeletons not cause problems for trilobites?PeerJ 3: e1492, doi: 10.7717/peerj.1492 (17 pages)




[127] Dénes Száz, Gábor Horváth, András Barta, Bruce A. Robertson, Alexandra Farkas, Ádám Egri, Nikolett Tarjányi, Gergely Rácz, György Kriska (2015) Lamp-lit bridges as dual light-traps for the night-swarming mayfly, Ephoron virgo: Interaction of polarized and unpolarized light pollution.Public Library of Science ONE (PLoS ONE) 10 (3): e0121194 (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121194 (18 pages)





[126] Susanne Åkesson, Catharina Odin, Ramón Hegedüs, Mihaela Ilieva, Christoffer Sjöholm, Alexandra Farkas, Gábor Horváth (2015) Testing avian compass calibration: comparative experiments with diurnal and nocturnal passerine migrants in South Sweden. Biology Open 4 (1): 35-47 (doi: 10.1242/bio.20149837)




[125] Tamás Herczeg, Dénes Száz, Miklós Blahó, András Barta, Mónika Gyurkovszky, Róbert Farkas, Gábor Horváth (2015) The effect of weather variables on the flight activity of horseflies (Diptera: Tabanidae) in the continental climate of Hungary. Parasitology Research  114 (3): 1087-1097 (doi: 10.1007/s00436-014-4280-3)




[124] András Barta, Gábor Horváth, Ákos Horváth, Ádám Egri, Miklós Blahó, Pál Barta, Karl Bumke, Andreas Macke (2015) Testing a polarimetric cloud imager aboard research vessel polarstern: comparison of color-based and polarimetric cloud detection algorithms. Applied Optics 54 (5): 1065-1077 + cover picture




[123] Tamás Herczeg, Miklós Blahó, Dénes Száz, György Kriska, Mónika Gyurkovszky, Róbert Farkas, Gábor Horváth (2014) Seasonality and daily activity of male and female tabanid flies monitored in a Hungarian hill-country pasture by new polarization traps and traditional canopy traps. Parasitology Research 113 (11): 4251-4260 (doi: 10.1007/s00436-014-4103-6)



[122] Miklós Blahó, Tamás Herczeg, György Kriska, Ádám Egri, Dénes Száz, Alexandra Farkas, Nikolett Tarjányi, László Czinke, András Barta, Gábor Horváth (2014) Unexpected attraction of polarotactic water-leaving insects to matt black car surfaces: mattness of paintwork cannot eliminate the polarized light pollution of black cars. Public Library of Science ONE (PLoS ONE) 9 (7): e103339 + electronic supplement (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103339)





[121] András Barta, Alexandra Farkas, Dénes Száz, Ádám Egri, Pál Barta, József Kovács, Balázs Csák, István Jankovics, Gyula Szabó, Gábor Horváth (2014) Polarization transition between sunlit and moonlit skies with possible implications for animal orientation and Viking navigation: anomalous celestial twilight polarization at partial moon. Applied Optics 53 (23): 5193-5204 + cover picture + 9 supplementary video clips (doi: 10.1364/AO.53.005193)




[120] Alexandra Farkas, Dénes Száz, Ádám Egri, Miklós Blahó, András Barta, Dóra Nehéz, Balázs Bernáth, Gábor Horváth (2014) Accuracy of sun localization in the second step of sky-polarimetric Viking navigation for north determination: a planetarium experiment. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31: 1645-1656



[119] Boda, P.; Horváth, G.; Kriska, G.; Blahó, M.; Csabai, Z. (2014) Phototaxis and polarotaxis hand in hand: Night dispersal flight of aquatic insects distracted synergistically by light intensity and reflection polarization. Naturwissenschaften 101: 385-395 + electronic supplement




[118] Bernáth, B.; Farkas, A.; Száz, D.; Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Barta, A.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2014) How could the Viking sun compass be used with sunstones before and after sunset? Twilight board as a new interpretation of the Uunartoq artefact fragment. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470: 20130787 (pp. 1-18, doi: 10.1098/rspa.2013.0787)




[117] Egri, Á.; Blahó, M.; Száz, D.; Kriska, G.; Majer, J.; Herczeg, T.; Gyurkovszky, M.; Farkas, R.; Horváth, G. (2013) A horizontally polarizing liquid trap enhances the tabanid-capturing efficiency of the classic canopy trap. Bulletin of Entomological Research 103: 665-674



[116] Bernáth, B.; Blahó, M.; Egri, Á; Barta, A.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2013) Orientation with a Viking sun-compass, a shadow-stick, and two calcite sunstones under various weather conditions. Applied Optics 52: 6185-6194



[115] Bernáth, B.; Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Barta, A.; Horváth, G. (2013) An alternative interpretation of the Viking sundial artefact: An instrument to determine latitude and local noon. Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 469, issue no. 2154, article no. 20130021, doi:10.1098/rspa.2013.0021



[114] Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Száz, D.; Kriska, G.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2013) Stripes disrupt odour attractiveness to biting horseflies: Battle between ammonia, CO2, and colour pattern for dominance in the sensory systems of host-seeking tabanids. Physiology and Behavior 119: 168-174



[113] Egri, Á.; Blahó, M.; Száz, D.; Barta, A.; Kriska, G.; Antoni, G.; Horváth, G. (2013) A new tabanid trap applying a modified concept of the old flypaper: Linearly polarising sticky black surfaces as an effective tool to catch polarotactic horseflies. International Journal for Parasitology 43: 555-563 + supporting information




[112] Horváth, G.; Farkas, E.; Boncz, I.; Blahó, M.; Kriska, G. (2012) Cavemen were better at depicting quadruped walking than modern artists: Erroneous walking illustrations in the fine arts from prehistory to today. Public Library of Science ONE (PLoS ONE) 7(12): e49786. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049786 + supporting information




[111] Egri, Á.; Horváth, G. (2012) Possible optical functions of the central core in lenses of trilobite eyes: spherically corrected monofocality or bifocality. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29: 1965-1976



[110] Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Barta, A.; Antoni, G.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2012) How can horseflies be captured by solar panels? A new concept of tabanid traps using light polarization and electricity produced by photovoltaics. Veterinary Parasitology 189: 353-365



[109] Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Báhidszki, L.; Kriska, G.; Hegedüs, R.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2012) Spottier targets are less attractive to tabanid flies: on the tabanid-repellency of spotty fur patterns. Public Library of Science ONE (PLoS ONE) 7(8): e41138. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041138 + supporting information




[108] Bernáth, B.; Horváth, G.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B. (2012) Polarotaxis in egg-laying yellow fever mosquitoes Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is masked due to infochemicals. Journal of Insect Physiology 58: 1000-1006



[107] Egri, Á.; Blahó, M.; Sándor, A.; Kriska, G.; Gyurkovszky, M.; Farkas, R.; Horváth, G. (2012) New kind of polarotaxis governed by degree of polarization: attraction of tabanid flies to differently polarizing host animals and water surfaces. Naturwissenschaften 99: 407-416




[106] Egri, Á.; Blahó, M.; Kriska, G.; Farkas, R.; Gyurkovszky, M.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2012) Polarotactic tabanids find striped patterns with brightness and/or polarization modulation least attractive: An advantage of zebra stripes. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 736-745 + electronic supplement




[105] Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Hegedüs, R.; Jósvai, J.; Tóth, M.; Kertész, K.; Biró, L. P.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2012) No evidence for behavioral responses to circularly polarized light in four scarab beetle species with circularly polarizing exocuticle. Physiology and Behavior 105: 1067-1075 + electronic supplement




[104] Málnás, K.; Polyák, L.; Prill, É.; Hegedüs, R.; Kriska, G.; Dévai, G.; Horváth, G.; Lengyel, S. (2011) Bridges as optical barriers and population disruptors for the mayfly Palingenia longicauda: An overlooked threat to freshwater biodiversity? Journal of Insect Conservation 15: 823-832 + electronic supplement




[103] Horváth, G.; Móra, A.; Bernáth, B.; Kriska, G. (2011) Polarotaxis in non-biting midges: female chironomids are attracted to horizontally polarized light. Physiology and Behavior 104: 1010-1015 + cover picture




[102] Horváth, G.; Hegedüs, R.; Barta, A.; Farkas, A.; Åkesson, S. (2011) Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic. Applied Optics 50: F64-F71



[101] Molnár, Á.; Hegedüs, R.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2011) Effect of cattail (Typha spp.) mowing on water beetle assemblages: changes of environmental factors and the aerial colonization of aquatic habitats. Journal of Insect Conservation 15: 389-399



[100] Horváth, G.; Barta, A.; Pomozi, I.; Suhai, B.; Hegedüs, R.; Åkesson, S.; Meyer-Rochow, B.; Wehner, R. (2011) On the trail of Vikings with polarized skylight: Experimental study of the atmospheric optical prerequisites allowing polarimetric navigation by Viking seafarers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 772-782 + electronic supplement




[99] Robertson, B.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, V.; Horváth, G. (2010) Glass buildings as bird feeders: Urban birds exploit insects trapped by polarized light pollution. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56(3): 283-293



[98] Horváth, G.; Blahó, M.; Egri, Á.; Kriska, G.; Seres, I.; Robertson, B. (2010) Reducing the maladaptive attractiveness of solar panels to polarotactic insects. Conservation Biology 24: 1644-1653 + electronic supplement




[97] Horváth, G.; Blahó, M.; Kriska, G.; Hegedüs, R.; Gerics, B.; Farkas, R.; Åkesson, S. (2010) An unexpected advantage of whiteness in horses: the most horsefly-proof horse has a depolarizing white coat. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 277: 1643-1650



[96] Egri, Á.; Horváth, Á.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2010) Optics of sunlit water drops on leaves: Conditions under which sunburn is possible. New Phytologist 185: 979-987 + cover picture





[95] Kriska, G.; Bernáth, B.; Farkas, R.; Horváth, G. (2009) Degrees of polarization of reflected light eliciting polarotaxis in dragonflies (Odonata), mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and tabanid flies (Tabanidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 55: 1167-1173



[94] Horváth, G.; Kriska, G.; Malik, P.; Robertson, B. (2009) Polarized light pollution: a new kind of ecological photopollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7: 317-325



[93] Horváth, G.; Csapó, A.; Nyeste, A.; Gerics, B.; Csorba, G.; Kriska, G. (2009) Erroneous quadruped walking depictions in natural history museums. Current Biology 19: R61-R62 + online supplement



[92] Kriska, G.; Barta, A.; Suhai, B.; Bernáth, B.; Horváth, G. (2008) Do brown pelicans mistake asphalt roads for water in deserts? Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (Suppl. 1): 157-165



[91] Bernáth, B.; Kriska, G.; Suhai, B.; Horváth, G. (2008) Wagtails (Aves: Motacillidae) as insect indicators on plastic sheets attracting polarotactic aquatic insects. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (Suppl. 1): 145-155



[90] Sipőcz, B.; Hegedüs, R., Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2008) Spatiotemporal change of sky polarization during the total solar eclipse on 29 March 2006 in Turkey: polarization patterns of the eclipsed sky observed by full-sky imaging polarimetry. Applied Optics 47: H1-H10



[89] Horváth, G.; Majer, J.; Horváth, L.; Szivák, I.; Kriska, G. (2008) Ventral polarization vision in tabanids: horseflies and deerflies (Diptera: Tabanidae) are attracted to horizontally polarized light. Naturwissenschaften 95: 1093-1100



[88] Malik, P.; Hegedüs, R.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2008) Imaging polarimetry of glass buildings: Why do vertical glass surfaces attract polarotactic insects? Applied Optics 47: 4361-4374 + cover picture




[87] Bernáth, B.; Horváth, G.; Gál, J.; Fekete, G.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B. (2008) Polarized light and oviposition site selection in the yellow fever mosquito: No evidence for positive polarotaxis in Aedes aegypti. Vision Research 48: 1449-1455



[86] Kriska, G.; Malik, P.; Szivák, I.; Horváth, G. (2008) Glass buildings on river banks as "polarized light traps" for mass-swarming polarotactic caddis flies. Naturwissenschaften 95: 461-467



[85] György Kriska, József Majer, Loránd Horváth, Ildikó Szivák, Gábor Horváth (2008) Polarotaxis in tabanid flies and its practical significance. Acta Biologica Debrecina, Supplementum Oecologica Hungarica 18: 101-108



[84] Hegedüs, R.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2007) Polarization patterns of thick clouds: overcast skies have distribution of the angle of polarization similar to that of clear skies. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24: 2347-2356


[83] Hegedüs, R.; Barta, A.; Bernáth, B.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B.; Horváth, G. (2007) Imaging polarimetry of forest canopies: how the azimuth direction of the sun, occluded by vegetation, can be assessed from the polarization pattern of the sunlit foliage. Applied Optics 46: 6019-6032



[82] Horváth, G.; Malik, P.; Kriska, G.; Wildermuth, H. (2007) Ecological traps for dragonflies in a cemetery: the attraction of Sympetrum species (Odonata: Libellulidae) by horizontally polarizing black gravestones. Freshwater Biology 52: 1700-1709



[81] Hegedüs, R.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2007) Anomalous celestial polarization caused by forest fire smoke: Why do some insects become visually disoriented under smoky skies? Applied Optics 46: 2717-2726



[80] Hegedüs, R.; Åkesson, S.; Wehner, R.; Horváth, G. (2007) Could Vikings have navigated under foggy and cloudy conditions by skylight polarization? On the atmospheric optical prerequisites of polarimetric Viking navigation under foggy and cloudy skies. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 463: 1081-1095



[79] Hegedüs, R.; Åkesson, S.; Horváth, G. (2007) Polarization of "water-skies" above arctic open waters: how polynyas in the ice-cover can be visually detected from a distance. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24: 132-138



[78] Kriska, G.; Bernáth, B.; Horváth, G. (2007) Positive polarotaxis in a mayfly that never leaves the water surface: polarotactic water detection in Palingenia longicauda (Ephemeroptera). Naturwissenschaften 94: 148-154 + cover picture




[77] Clarkson, E.; Levi-Setti, R.; Horváth, G. (2006) The eyes of trilobites: The oldest preserved visual system. Arthropod Structure and Development 35: 247-259 + cover picture (International Palaeontological Best Paper Award, Spanish Palaeontological Society)  (In: Origin and Evolution of Arthropod Visual Systems, Part I, eds.: R. R. Melzer, S. Harzsch)




[76] Kriska, G.; Malik, P.; Csabai, Z.; Horváth, G. (2006) Why do highly polarizing black burnt-up stubble-fields not attract aquatic insects? An exception proving the rule. Vision Research 46: 4382-4386




[75] Sabbah, S.; Barta, A.; Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Shashar, N. (2006) Experimental and theoretical study of skylight polarization transmitted through Snell’s window of a flat water surface. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 23: 1978-1988



[74] Suhai, B.; Gasparik, M.; Csorba, G.; Gerics, B.; Horváth, G. (2006) Wall thickness of gas- and marrow-filled avian long bones: Measurements on humeri, femora and tibiotarsi in crows (Corvus corone cornix) and magpies (Pica pica). Journal of Biomechanics 39: 2140-2144



[73] Csabai, Z.; Boda, P.; Bernáth, B.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2006) A ‘polarisation sun-dial’ dictates the optimal time of day for dispersal by flying aquatic insects. Freshwater Biology 51: 1341-1350



[72] Kriska, G.; Csabai, Z.; Boda, P.; Malik, P.; Horváth, G. (2006) Why do red and dark-coloured cars lure aquatic insects? The attraction of water insects to car paintwork explained by reflection-polarization signals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273: 1667-1671



[71] Hegedüs, R.; Szél, G.; Horváth, G. (2006) Imaging polarimetry of the circularly polarizing cuticle of scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Rutelidae, Cetoniidae). Vision Research 46: 2786-2797




[70] Hegedüs, R.; Horváth, Á.; Horváth, G. (2006) Why do dusk-active cockchafers detect polarization in the green? The polarization vision in Melolontha melolontha is tuned to the high polarized intensity of downwelling light under canopies during sunset. Journal of Theoretical Biology 238: 230-244



[69] Barta, A.; Horváth, G.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B. (2005) Psychophysical study of the visual sun location in pictures of cloudy and twilight skies inspired by Viking navigation. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 22: 1023-1034



[68] Wildermuth, H.; Horváth, G. (2005) Visual deception of a male Libellula depressa by the shiny surface of a parked car (Odonata: Libellulidae). International Journal of Odonatology 8: 97-105



[67] Évinger, S.; Suhai, B.; Bernáth, B.; Gerics, B.; Pap, I.; Horváth, G. (2005) How does the relative wall thickness of human femora follow the biomechanical optima? An experimental study on mummies. Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 899-905



[66] Suhai, B.; Horváth, G. (2004) How well does the Rayleigh model describe the E-vector distribution of skylight in clear and cloudy conditions? A full-sky polarimetric study. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 21: 1669-1676



[65] Bernáth, B.; Suhai, B.; Gerics, B.; Csorba, G.; Gasparik, M.; Horváth, G. (2004) Testing the biomechanical optimality of the wall thickness of limb bones in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Journal of Biomechanics 37: 1561-1572



[64] Hegedüs, R.; Horváth, G. (2004) How and why are uniformly polarization-sensitive retinae subject to polarization-related artefacts? Correction of some errors in the theory of polarization-induced false colours. Journal of Theoretical Biology 230: 77-87



[63] Hegedüs, R.; Horváth, G. (2004) Polarizational colours could help polarization-dependent colour vision systems to discriminate between shiny and matt surfaces, but cannot unambiguously code surface orientation. Vision Research 44: 2337-2348



[62] Barta, A.; Horváth, G. (2004) Why is it advantageous for animals to detect celestial polarization in the ultraviolet? Skylight polarization under clouds and canopies is strongest in the UV. Journal of Theoretical Biology 226: 429-437



[61] Bernáth, B.; Gál, J.; Horváth, G. (2004) Why is it worth flying at dusk for aquatic insects? Polarotactic water detection is easiest at low solar elevations. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 755-765



[60] Barta, A.; Horváth, G. (2003) Underwater binocular imaging of aerial objects versus the position of eyes relative to the flat water surface. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 20: 2370-2377



[59] Horváth, G.; Buchta, K.; Varjú, D. (2003) Looking into the water with oblique head tilting: revision of the aerial binocular imaging of underwater objects. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 20: 1120-1131



[58] Horváth, G.; Pomozi, I.; Gál, J. (2003) Neutral points of skylight polarization observed during the total eclipse on 11 August 1999. Applied Optics 42: 465-475



[57] Barta, A.; Horváth, G.; Bernáth, B.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B. (2003) Imaging polarimetry of the rainbow. Applied Optics 42: 399-405



[56] Horváth, G.; Bernáth, B.; Suhai, B.; Barta, A.; Wehner, R. (2002) First observation of the fourth neutral polarization point in the atmosphere. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 19: 2085-2099



[55] Horváth, G.; Gál, J.; Labhart, T.; Wehner, R. (2002) Does reflection polarization by plants influence colour perception in insects? Polarimetric measurements applied to a polarization-sensitive model retina of Papilio butterflies. Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 3281-3298 + cover picture




[54] Bernáth, B.; Szedenics, G.; Wildermuth, H.; Horváth, G. (2002) How can dragonflies discern bright and dark waters from a distance? The degree of polarization of reflected light as a possible cue for dragonfly habitat selection. Freshwater Biology 47: 1707-1719



[53] Mizera, F.; Horváth, G. (2002) Influence of environmental factors on shot put and hammer throw range. Journal of Biomechanics 35: 785-796



[52] Horváth, G.; Barta, A.; Gál, J.; Suhai, B.; Haiman, O. (2002) Ground-based full-sky imaging polarimetry of rapidly changing skies and its use for polarimetric cloud detection. Applied Optics 41: 543-559



[51] Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Barta, A.; Wehner, R. (2001) Polarization of the moonlit clear night sky measured by full-sky imaging polarimetry at full moon: comparison of the polarization of moonlit and sunlit skies. Journal of Geophysical Research D (Atmospheres) 106 (D19): 22647-22653



[50] Pomozi, I.; Horváth, G.; Wehner, R. (2001) How the clear-sky angle of polarization pattern continues underneath clouds: full-sky measurements and implications for animal orientation. Journal of Experimental Biology 204: 2933-2942



[49] Mizera, F.; Bernáth, B.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2001) Stereo videopolarimetry: measuring and visualizing polarization patterns in three dimensions. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 45: 393-399



[48] Pomozi, I.; Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Wehner, R. (2001) Fine structure of the celestial polarization pattern and its temporal change during the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999. Remote Sensing of Environment 76: 181-201



[47] Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B. (2001) Measurement of the reflection-polarization pattern of the flat water surface under a clear sky at sunset. Remote Sensing of Environment 76: 103-111



[46] Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Meyer-Rochow, V. B.; Wehner, R. (2001) Polarization patterns of the summer sky and its neutral points measured by full-sky imaging polarimetry in Finnish Lapland north of the Arctic Circle. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 457: 1385-1399



[45] Bernáth, B.; Szedenics, G.; Molnár, G.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2001) Visual ecological impact of "shiny black anthropogenic products" on aquatic insects: oil reservoirs and plastic sheets as polarized traps for insects associated with water. Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research 40(2): 89-109



[44] Bernáth, B.; Szedenics, G.; Molnár, G.; Kriska, G.; Horváth, G. (2001) Visual ecological impact of a peculiar waste oil lake on the avifauna: dual-choice field experiments with water-seeking birds using huge shiny black and white plastic sheets. Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research 40(1): 1-28



[43] Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Clarkson, E. N. K. (2000) Reconstruction of the shape and optics of the lenses in the abathochroal-eyed trilobite Neocobboldia chinlinica. Historical Biology 14: 193-204



[42] Gál, J.; Horváth, G.; Clarkson, E. N. K.; Haiman, O. (2000) Image formation by bifocal lenses in a trilobite eye? Vision Research 40: 843-853



[41] Bernáth, B.; Horváth, G. (1999) Visual deception of a great white egret by shiny plastic sheets. Ornis Hungarica 8-9: 57-61



[40] Horváth, G.; Wehner, R. (1999) Skylight polarization as perceived by desert ants and measured by video polarimetry. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 184: 1-7 [Erratum 184: 347-349 (1999)]




[39] Kriska, G.; Horváth, G.; Andrikovics, S. (1998) Why do mayflies lay their eggs en masse on dry asphalt roads? Water-imitating polarized light reflected from asphalt attracts Ephemeroptera. Journal of Experimental Biology 201: 2273-2286



[38] Horváth, G.; Gál, J.; Pomozi, I.; Wehner, R. (1998) Polarization portrait of the Arago point: Video-polarimetric imaging of the neutral points of skylight polarization. Naturwissenschaften 85: 333-339



[37] Horváth, G.; Bernáth, B.; Molnár, G. (1998) Dragonflies find crude oil visually more attractive than water: Multiple-choice experiments on dragonfly polarotaxis. Naturwissenschaften 85: 292-297



[36] Horváth, G.; Clarkson, E. N. K.; Pix, W. (1997) Survey of modern counterparts of schizochroal trilobite eyes: structural and functional similarities and differences. Historical Biology 12: 229-263



[35] Horváth, G.; Gál, J.; Wehner, R. (1997) Why are water-seeking insects not attracted by mirages? The polarization pattern of mirages. Naturwissenschaften 84: 300-303 [Erratum 85: 90 (1998)]




[34] Horváth, G.; Varjú, D. (1997) Polarization pattern of freshwater habitats recorded by video polarimetry in red, green and blue spectral ranges and its relevance for water detection by aquatic insects. Journal of Experimental Biology 200: 1155-1163



[33] Horváth, G.; Pomozi, I. (1997) How celestial polarization changes due to reflection from the deflector panels used in deflector loft and mirror experiments studying avian navigation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 184: 291-300



[32] Horváth, G. (1996) The lower lens unit in schizochroal trilobite eyes reduces reflectivity: on the possible optical function of the intralensar bowl. Historical Biology 12: 83-92



[31] Horváth, G.; Zeil, J. (1996) Kuwait oil lakes as insect traps. Nature 379: 303-304



[30] Horváth, G. (1995) Reflection-polarization patterns at flat water surfaces and their relevance for insect polarization vision. Journal of Theoretical Biology 175: 27-37



[29] Horváth, G.; Varjú, D. (1995) Underwater refraction-polarization patterns of skylight perceived by aquatic animals through Snell's window of the flat water surface. Vision Research 35: 1651-1666



[28] Horváth, G. (1995) How do water insects find their aquatic habitat? World of Nature (Természet Világa special issue) 126: 44-49 



[27] Horváth, G. (1993) On the possible function of the proximal lens unit of Notonecta glauca. Vision Research 33: 2437-2441



[26] Horváth, G.; Szakál, Á.; Érdi, P. (1993) Mathematical description and computer simulation of retinal cometlike afterimages: a modified neural equation with stability analysis. Mathematical Biosciences 114: 215-248



[25] Horváth, G.; Clarkson, E. N. K. (1993) Computational reconstruction of the probable change of form of the corneal lens and maturation of optics in the post-ecdysial development of the schizochroal eye of the Devonian trilobite Phacops rana milleri Stewart 1927. Journal of Theoretical Biology 160: 343-373 + cover picture




[24] Schwind, R.; Horváth, G. (1993) Reflection-polarization pattern at water surfaces and correction of a common representation of the polarization pattern of the sky. Naturwissenschaften 80: 82-83 + cover picture




[23] Horváth, G.; Varjú, D. (1993) Theoretical study of the optimal front profile of the lens in the eye of the scallop, Pecten. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 55: 155-174



[22] Horváth, G.; Fischer, M. H.; Székely, T. (1992) The delivery of surplus prey to the nest by a pair of Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster). Ornis Hungarica 2: 11-16



[21] Horváth, G.; Varjú, D. (1991) On the structure of the aerial visual field of aquatic animals distorted by refraction. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 53: 425-441



[20] Horváth, G.; Bánkuti, J. (1990) Cell percolation model for electrical conduction of granular superconducting composites II. Percolation conductivity of the uniform cells. Physica Status Solidi A 117: 273-282



[19] Bánkuti, J.; Horváth, G. (1990) Cell percolation model for electrical conduction of granular superconducting composites I. The resistivity of an individual cell of the composite. Physica Status Solidi A 117: 265-271



[18] Bánkuti, J.; Horváth, G. (1990) Resistivity increase due to size and roughness effects and stabilization of in situ superconductors. Acta Physica Hungarica 68: 85-99



[17] Horváth, G.; Varjú, D. (1990) Geometric optical investigation of the underwater visual field of aerial animals. Mathematical Biosciences 102: 1-19 (winner of the fourth Richard Bellman Prize)



[16] Varjú, D.; Horváth, G. (1989) Looking into the water with a facet eye. Biological Cybernetics 62: 157-165



[15] Horváth, G.; Greguss, P. (1989) Biooptical study of the corneal lens of the water bug Notonecta glauca. International Agrophysics 5: 231-246



[14] Horváth, G.; Greguss, P. (1989) Geometric optics of the corneal lens of backswimmer, Notonecta glauca. Applied Optics 28: 1974-1976



[13] Horváth, G. (1989) On the role of the principle of optimal cost in the leaf twist of the birch leaf roller (Deporaus betulae). International Agrophysics 5: 183-196



[12] Horváth, G. (1989) Geometric optical optimization of the corneal lens of Notonecta glauca. Journal of Theoretical Biology 139: 389-404



[11] Horváth, G. (1989) Geometric optics of trilobite eyes: a theoretical study of the shape of aspherical interface in the cornea of schizochroal eyes of phacopid trilobites. Mathematical Biosciences 96: 79-94



[10] Horváth, G. (1989) Description of the birch leaf roller's incisions for different leaves. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 51: 433-447



[9] Horváth, G.; Bánkuti, J. (1989) Role of size effect in the stabilization of the in situ superconducting tapes. Cryogenics 29: 931-934



[8] Kuzmann, E.; Homonnay, Z.; Vértes, A.; Kirschner, I.; Gál, M.; Torkos, K.; Csákvári, B.; Sólymos, K.; Horváth, G.; Bánkuti, J.; Korecz, L. (1989) 119Sn and 151Eu Mössbauer study of EuBa2(Cu1-xSnx)3O7-y perovskites. Hyperfine Interactions 46: 747-752



[7] Bánkuti, J.; Horváth, G. (1989) Thickness dependent electrical resistivity of thin rough metal films. Physica Status Solidi A 111: K185-K189



[6] Kuzmann, E.; Homonnay, Z.; Vértes, A.; Gál, M.; Torkos, K.; Csákvári, B.; Solymos, K. G.; Horváth, G.; Bánkuti, J.; Kirschner, I.; Korecz, L. (1989) Metastability in EuBa2(Cu1-xSnx)3O7-y studied by 119Sn and 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy. Physical Review B 39: 328-333



[5] Horváth, G. (1988) Bionical investigation of the birch leaf roller's incisions. Mathematical Biosciences 91: 131-150



[4] Horváth, G.; Bánkuti, J. (1988) Resistivity increase in thin conducting films considering the size effect. Physica Status Solidi A 110: 549-554



[3] Kirschner, I.; Bánkuti, J.; Gál, M.; Torkos, K.; Solymos, K. G.; Horváth, G. (1987) Superconductivity in a new YBaCuO compound at 105 K. Europhysics Letters 4: 371-372



[2] Kirschner, I.; Bánkuti, J.; Gál, M.; Torkos, K.; Solymos, K. G.; Horváth, G. (1987) High-Tc superconductivity in La-Ba-Cu-O and Y-Ba-Cu-O compounds. Europhysics Letters 3: 1309-1314



[1] Bánkuti, J.; Gál, M.; Horváth, G.; Kirschner, I.; Solymos, K. G.; Torkos, K. (1987) High-Tc superconductivity in metallic oxide compounds. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 26: 1073-1074
